ua en ru

Ukrainian border guards strike Russian defensive fortifications in south front

Ukrainian border guards strike Russian defensive fortifications in south front Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine destroyed Russian defensive fortifications (illustrative photo by GettyImages)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance aircraft of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine conducted a precision drone strike on Russian defensive positions in the South and posted a video of their work.

The Russian invaders were stationed along the trenches that were arranged as defensive lines in the South. Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance men managed to track down the location of the Russian occupiers and deliver a crushing blow to their position.

The video shows the invaders trying to hide from the Ukrainian drone. However, the force of its strike was powerful.

Ukrainian troops destroy Russian equipment and manpower

As it became known today, according to the General Staff, Russian losses in the war in Ukraine over the past day amounted to almost 1400 occupants.

The day before, it became known that Ukrainian reconnaissance men had carried out a series of precision strikes on the positions and equipment of the Russian invaders in the Kharkiv sector.