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Ukrainian army lacks infantrymen in the first place, military says

Ukrainian army lacks infantrymen in the first place, military says Ukrainian soldier (Getty Images)

The Ukrainian army has been short of infantrymen recently. Every unit needs them now on the frontline, says Nazar Voloshyn, a spokesman for the Khortytsia military unit.

"The brigades are being refreshed, recruiting is ongoing. Yet, of course, we have been lacking recently, particularly, ordinary soldiers and infantrymen. This is the case in most units in the Armed Forces of Ukraine," Voloshyn said.

That is why, he says, a recruiting campaign is active, both the media and non-media.

"Every unit needs ordinary riflemen, ordinary drivers, ordinary infantrymen, and they are needed right now on the frontline, where there is a shortage of personnel. After all, the enemy outnumbers us, and this is the only way they can use their advantage on the frontline. Even though we are destroying them, they keep drafting new recruits and former prisoners," said Voloshyn.

The spokesman adds that the Ukrainian military outnumbers the Russians in destroying them massively.

Mobilization in Ukraine

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine said there was a first need for additional people in combat units that were directly involved in deterring the aggressor in hostilities. The following vacancies were mentioned: drivers, mechanics, riflemen, operators of all types of weapons, artillery personnel, UAV operators, and combat medics.

There are a large number of vacancies in the army related to logistics, maintenance, and repair, for staff positions.

At the same time, professions that are closer to civilian life are in demand.