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Ukrainian Armed Forces advance in two areas near Robotyne - General Staff

Ukrainian Armed Forces advance in two areas near Robotyne - General Staff Ukrainian Armed Forces make progress in two areas near Robotyne (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Ukrainian military forces continue their movement in the Melitopol direction, achieving success to the south and southeast of Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region, according to Andrii Kovaliov, the spokesperson for the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"Ukrainian soldiers valiantly hold their defense, repelling over 10 attacks in the areas of Robotyne and Novodanylivka in the Zaporizhzhia region. They have achieved success to the south and southeast of Robotyne and are consolidating their positions," he said.

Melitopol direction

Describing the situation in more detail, the spokesperson added that Ukrainian defense forces continue their offensive operation in the Melitopol direction, inflicting significant losses on Russian occupying forces in terms of personnel and equipment.

"The enemy systematically attempts to rebuild their destroyed units, but our troops continue numerous assault operations on their positions," Kovaliov said.

Bakhmut direction

In the Bakhmut direction, Ukrainian defense forces are conducting offensive operations to the south of the city and are solidifying their achieved positions.

"The enemy conducted unsuccessful offensive actions in the areas of Novoselivka in the Luhansk region, Orihovo-Vasylivka, and Klishchiivka in the Donetsk region," the General Staff representative reported.

Lyman and Kupiansk directions

Intense battles are ongoing in these areas, with 30 combat clashes reported in the past day.

Avdiivka and Maryinka directions

Ukrainian defense forces continue to hold back the Russian military's advance in the Avdiivka and Maryinka directions. The enemy's attempts at offensive actions in the areas of Keramika, Avdiivka, and Maryinka in the Donetsk region have been unsuccessful.

Frontline situation

According to the General Staff's data, there were 30 combat clashes on the frontlines in the past day. The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 2 artillery pieces, 1 personnel and equipment concentration area, enemy weaponry and military equipment, 1 command post, and 1 ammunition depot of the enemy. As reported by the Institute for the Study of War, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have advanced on at least four fronts in the past day – near Bakhmut, near Opytne, and also in the Zaporizhzhia region and along its border with Donetsk.