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Ukraine to receive another Patriot system from Germany: What's known

Ukraine to receive another Patriot system from Germany: What's known Ukraine will receive another Patriot system from Germany (Photo: Getty Images)

Ukraine will receive another Patriot surface-to-air missile system (SAM) from Germany soon. Currently, two SAM battalions are on combat duty, Yurii Ihnat, spokesperson of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, announced.

"We have information that we currently have two Patriot battalions on combat duty. It has been announced that Germany will provide another system. So, undoubtedly, there is no such thing as too many Patriots or cruise missiles," he said.

Ihnat emphasized that Ukraine needs more systems to ensure protection.

"The Patriot is good because it can not only intercept targets at a distance of over 100, maximum 150 km, including aircraft and helicopters, but it can also intercept ballistic missiles," added Ihnat.

When can Ukraine receive the system?

Ihnat declined to specify a date when Ukraine might receive another Patriot system.

"When such things are announced, especially by countries' leaders, the time, conditions, and quantity of launcher batteries being transferred are not for the general public. Because a statement can be made when the system is already in Ukraine, or vice versa," he stated during the telethon.

A "mix" of Soviet and Western SAM

According to Ignat, SAM systems are gradually entering the Armed Forces, particularly the Air Force.

"There are many statements. If Germany, its leader, or a government official makes a statement, it is supplemented by someone from the European Commission, or someone from 'Ramstein' may speak. Then, the Ukrainian establishment catches up, and the information is disseminated. It creates the impression that there are not just one but ten such systems. In reality, things do not happen so quickly. Unfortunately, it would be nice if it were faster," the spokesperson added.

For example, Ignat mentioned the news of a unit undergoing training in Spain, which will receive a Hawk battery.

"It will also strengthen our SAM. And other systems promised by Germany, from Gepard to IRIS-T, will gradually be delivered. Recently, there was a statement from the country's leadership that we will receive additional NASAMS. It's again gradually and step by step," he noted.

He also pointed out that replacing Soviet SAM with Western systems was the reality of the time and a necessity.

"But it won't happen quickly. There aren't so many SAM systems in the world to replace everything we have today immediately. Therefore, such a 'mix' of Soviet and Western weapons will work for a long time," he concluded.

SAM in Ukraine

Ukraine has received the entire nomenclature of SAM systems agreed upon with Western partners. However, more systems like Patriot, SAMP/T, IRIS-T, and NASAMS are needed to protect the country and critical objects the enemy may attempt to attack and destroy. In particular, a multi-level air defense system consisting of various weapons has been built around Kyiv—however, no SAM, including those around the capital, guarantees complete protection.