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Ukraine's Foreign Ministry on second peace summit: Places and dates of interim meetings determined

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry on second peace summit: Places and dates of interim meetings determined Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Heorhii Tykhyi (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Preparations for the second peace summit are underway at all levels. The dates and locations of the interim meetings have already been determined, states Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Heorhii Tykhyi.

"The places and dates of these intermediate meetings have been determined, but I will not go ahead and announce them so as not to disrupt this diplomatic process. Preparations are underway at all levels," Tykhyi said.

Peace summit

In June, Switzerland hosted the first peace summit on the full-scale war in Ukraine. The meeting was attended by representatives from over 100 countries and international organizations. Later, most of the participants signed a joint communiqué. The Russian Federation was not invited to the summit, however, some of the participants insisted on its participation in subsequent meetings.

Read more about whether Ukraine was able to achieve peace at the summit and what it failed to do in RBC-Ukraine's article.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wants a peace plan to be developed by the end of 2024, which, in turn, will be based on ways to implement the points of the Ukrainian peace formula.