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Ukraine's EU accession talks inevitable regardless of circumstances: MFA states

Ukraine's EU accession talks inevitable regardless of circumstances: MFA states Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba (Photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daria Shekina

Under any circumstances, Ukraine will commence negotiations for joining the European Union. However, the current task is to make this happen as quickly as possible, according to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba.

The Minister emphasizes that he dislikes predictions and actively works as part of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's entire diplomatic team regarding the start of negotiations for Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

"It's about a decision of historic magnitude, and that's why the president personally participates in these processes. We are working to ensure that the decisions are positive. History cannot be stopped; it will happen under any circumstances. Our task is to make it happen as soon as possible. And that's exactly what we're working on," adds the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Kuleba specifies that there will be extensive diplomacy this week and throughout the next, not only in Kyiv and Brussels but also in other capitals.

"Pay attention to the phone calls of the president, which have already been conducted at the end of last week and will continue. Notice the visits of certain European leaders to specific European capitals," he notes.

The Minister reminds that last week in Brussels, he had discussions with numerous foreign ministers of EU countries, and the key issue everywhere was the summit on the 14th-15th of December, as well as decisions that correspond to the interests of Ukraine and the whole of Europe.

Negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU

A few weeks ago, the European Commission published a report. In the document, it recommended starting negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

For them to begin, a corresponding decision of all EU countries is necessary. This matter will be discussed by the leaders of the member states at the summit to be held on the 14th-15th of December.

Meanwhile, Hungary has openly declared its opposition to negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU.

Currently, according to media reports, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is trying to convince EU officials not to bring up the negotiation issue at the summit.