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Ukraine's border guards show video of destroying Russian military near Vovchansk

Ukraine's border guards show video of destroying Russian military near Vovchansk Ukraine's border guards show video of destroying Russian military near Vovchansk (Getty Images)

Ukrainian border guards attacked Russian troops near Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region. The soldiers showed a video of their combat work.

Not far from Vovchansk, border guards' aerial reconnaissance tracked the enemy forces. The Russians were in one of the buildings.

A kamikaze drone was sent out to hit the target. The border guards struck at the group of military.

"The drone coped with the task, and what is more, not only the invader, who returned from a smoke break but also his henchmen who were hiding in the building, got hit," the statement said.

Fighting in Kharkiv region

Russian troops are trying to capture the city of Vovchansk in the north of the Kharkiv region and advance to Kharkiv. According to the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, the Russian army wanted to take Vovchansk within two days of the offensive and reach Kharkiv in five days. But they failed in three weeks of the offensive.

Fighting continues in the Kharkiv sector, with Russians bombarding Ukrainian territory with air strikes.

Over the past day, the enemy lost 126 soldiers in this area.