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Ukraine receives more ammunition for German Gepard anti-aircraft systems

Ukraine receives more ammunition for German Gepard anti-aircraft systems Ukraine receives more ammunition for German Gepard anti-aircraft systems (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Recently, it was reported that the supply of ammunition to Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns has improved, according to Bild.

In the summer, the Bild reported that Germany lacked ammunition for Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and that Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners were forced to save it because of the shortage. Later, the German Defense Ministry said it was increasing supplies.

Recently, in a conversation with Bild, an anonymous Ukrainian Armed Forces officer confirmed that the supply of Gepard ammunition had indeed improved somewhat.

Production of shells

Last year, the defense concern Rheinmetall launched a new line at its plant in Unterlüs (Lower Saxony) in a few months to increase the production of anti-aircraft shells.

In total, Rheinmetall has promised to supply Ukraine with 300,000 35 mm caliber shells for Gepard. But this year, only 40,000 will be shipped.

Switzerland has refused to authorize the supply of Gepard shells manufactured in its territory to Ukraine.

In early 2023, the German Ministry of Defense stated that the stocks of German-made ammunition for Gepard systems should last until the summer.

Rheinmetall in Ukraine

The German defense company Rheinmetall supplies Ukraine with a significant amount of shells and military equipment.

Rheinmetall is an important strategic partner of Ukraine in the supply of 155-mm artillery ammunition, and has already delivered several tens of thousands of shells. In 2024, tens of thousands more 155-mm ammunition will be delivered.

Rheinmetall also supplies Ukraine with Marder infantry fighting vehicles, Leopard tanks and Gepard anti-aircraft guns.

Earlier it was reported that Rheinmetall will launch its plant in Ukraine this year. It will start joint production of weapons and repair of Western equipment.