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Ukraine launches inclusive driving schools for people with disabilities: details

Ukraine launches inclusive driving schools for people with disabilities: details Photo: Where the first inclusive driving schools opened (photo: RBC-Ukraine,Vitaliy Nosach)

The first inclusive driving schools have been launched in Ukraine, reported on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

The project is currently being implemented in five cities in Ukraine, with plans for further expansion.

Who can attend the training?

Inclusive driving schools invite people with disabilities who wish to obtain a category B driver's license and require training or retraining on vehicles with manual controls.

The "academic year" has already begun, and the first 22 students are participating in theoretical and practical courses at the adapted driving schools. One of them has already received a driver's license.

The cities with new schools currently, there are only five driving schools for people with disabilities in Ukraine. They are located at the facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the following cities:

  • Kyiv
  • Dnipro
  • Lviv
  • Kropyvnytskyi
  • Kamianets-Podilskyi

"We want to help our defenders socialize and reach those people who became disabled before the war and have long had the intention to become drivers," said Katerina Pavlichenko, the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, about the project.

Ukraine launches inclusive driving schools for people with disabilities: details

The opening of inclusive schools aims to help socialize Ukrainian soldiers (illustrative photo: Freepik)

Services provided by the schools

Students can expect the same services as regular driving schools, including:

  • Theoretical training and practical driving skills on vehicles with manual controls
  • Taking exams on theoretical knowledge and practical driving with a vehicle using manual controls
  • Obtaining a driver's license at one of the territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is geographically close to the educational institution where the theoretical training course was completed
  • Providing practical driving skills for individuals who already hold a driver's license

Moreover, students have the flexibility to learn according to their schedules.

The total duration of the training is 11 weeks, and the cost is 9,000 hryvnias.

How to enroll in an inclusive school

To register, individuals need to go through six stages:

  • Obtain a medical certificate confirming fitness for driving a vehicle
  • Choose a driving school for theoretical training and submit the necessary documents
  • Complete the theoretical training course at the driving school
  • Pass the theoretical exam at the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Undergo practical training at the driving school that provides training for people with disabilities
  • Pass the practical exam at the Ministry of Internal Affairs service center and obtain a driver's license.

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