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Ukraine approves new profession of deminer

Ukraine approves new profession of deminer Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The National Qualifications Agency has approved a new professional standard for deminers, according to the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.

Previously, Ukraine did not have a unified professional standard for deminers, which complicated the training of specialists. The introduction of this new standard establishes uniform training rules, enabling veterans to participate in humanitarian demining efforts and easing their integration into both Ukrainian and international sectors.

Ukraine's Deputy Minister of Economy, Ihor Bezkorovainyi, said that the new standard will significantly expand training opportunities and provide a qualification recognized at the international level.

Following the approval of the standard, new legal requirements will be introduced, including the assignment of a professional code and the regulation of remuneration. Additionally, an educational standard will be developed for the training of certified deminers.

The developed standard outlines five levels of training, ranging from a basic level for non-technical surveys to an advanced level for the clearance of territories and buildings.

Demining in Ukraine

Due to the full-scale war, large areas of Ukraine are contaminated with explosive hazards, but the authorities are gradually clearing these regions.

Minister of Economy Yuliia Svyrydenko recently reported that women make up 30% of all demining operators, and the government aims to increase this figure.