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U.S. has no direct information on Iran's connection to Hamas attacks on Israel - White House

U.S. has no direct information on Iran's connection to Hamas attacks on Israel - White House U.S. has no direct information on Iran's connection to Hamas attacks on Israel (Photo: Getty Images)

In the United States, there is no direct information linking Iran to the terrorist attacks of the HAMAS militant group on Israel, stated John Finer, the U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor.

"What we can be quite clear about is that Iran is broadly complicit in these attacks for having supporting Hamas going back decades," Finer said.

He pointed to Iran supplying HAMAS with weapons, training, and other financial support.

"What we don't have is direct information that shows Iranian involvement in ordering or planning of the attacks that took place over the last couple of days. It's something that we're going to keep looking at closely," added the U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor.

HAMAS attack on Israel

On October 7, HAMAS militants infiltrated Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Initially, they managed to capture several settlements, but by evening, Israeli forces regained control of most of the territory and launched strikes in response to military targets and HAMAS headquarters.

Israel declared a "state of war" and initiated the counter-terrorism Operation Iron Swords.

During the first two days of the war, the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) targeted thousands of objectives in the Gaza Strip. However, the Israeli army emphasizes that this was only the beginning, as the IDF intends to destroy HAMAS.