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Two schoolchildren accused of setting fire to military Mi-8 helicopter in Russia

Two schoolchildren accused of setting fire to military Mi-8 helicopter in Russia Illustrative photo: schoolchildren in Russia burned a Mi-8 (Getty Images)

A military Mi-8 helicopter burned down at an airbase in the city of Omsk, allegedly involving two schoolchildren, according to Baza on Telegram.

According to the Telegram channel, two 16-year-old schoolboys, Roma and Anton, snuck onto the airbase on the evening of September 21. They allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail at the Mi-8 helicopter and fled the scene.

Two schoolchildren accused of setting fire to military Mi-8 helicopter in Russia

Photo: helicopter set on fire by schoolchildren (Russian Telegram channels)

Two schoolchildren accused of setting fire to military Mi-8 helicopter in Russia

Photo: helicopter set on fire by schoolchildren (Russian Telegram channels)

Reports suggest that the "culprits" have already been detained. According to them, the task of burning the helicopter was given through Telegram, with a promise of $20,000 in return.

Photos shared by Telegram channels show the helicopter's cabin completely destroyed by fire. Unconfirmed reports indicate that it was allegedly a decommissioned Mi-8.

What preceded

On September 11, Telegram channels reported that during the night, in the town of Noyabrsk, schoolchildren aged 13 and 14 burned a Mi-8 helicopter.

They were allegedly promised a reward of 5 million rubles (2.24 million hryvnias) for the act.

The helicopter was set on fire using a flammable liquid. The incident occurred at a local helipad.

As a result of the arson, only the tail of the helicopter remained.