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Trump suggested that if elected president, he would use FBI to go after opponents

Trump suggested that if elected president, he would use FBI to go after opponents Former President of the United States, Donald Trump (photo: Getty Images)

Former President of the United States, Donald Trump, suggested that if re-elected in the 2024 elections, he might use the FBI and the Department of Justice to settle scores with his political opponents, according to The Guardian.

In response to the host's question about whether he would use the FBI to pursue opponents, Trump stated that they are already doing it and it could go the other way.

"They've done something that allowed the next party, I mean, if I'm president and I see someone that's very good and very bad, very bad for our country, I'd say, Go and present it to them,'" Trump said.

The publication noted that the judicial persecution of political rivals is a characteristic feature of authoritarian regimes, and Trump's remarks are his most explicit public acknowledgment of the antidemocratic power he sought to bring to a second presidential term.

Trump's threats

This is not the first time Trump has made threats towards his opponents. In August of this year, he stated that he would have the current President of the United States, Joe Biden, arrested if he came to power.

In November, media reports suggested that if victorious in the elections, Trump plans to retaliate against critics, take control of the Justice Department, and deploy troops on Inauguration Day.

Trump is already naming individuals he wants to bring to court, including former officials from his cabinet who have openly criticized him.

This includes former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, former Attorney General William Barr, and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley. Additionally, Trump has talked about holding officials from the FBI and the Department of Justice accountable.

Trump aims to pursue legal action against Biden and his family.