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Trump and Netanyahu hold call about ceasefire in Gaza

Trump and Netanyahu hold call about ceasefire in Gaza Former US President Donald Trump (photo: Getty Images)

On Wednesday, August 14, US presidential candidate Donald Trump held a phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to The Times of Israel and Axios.

According to two American sources, the leaders discussed the Gaza hostage-ceasefire deal.

One source stated that Trump’s call was aimed at urging Netanyahu to reach a deal. However, the source added that they could not confirm if the former president explicitly pressed Netanyahu to take that step.

As Axios reports, Netanyahu's office did not deny the call took place, while Trump’s campaign team declined to comment.

The call was a day before talks were set to resume on Thursday in Doha, which some officials are viewing as the last potential opportunity to secure a ceasefire in Gaza and free the hostages taken during the attack on Israel that triggered the ongoing conflict.

Escalation of сonflict in the Middle East

Recently, tensions in the Middle East have intensified following the assassinations of Hamas leader Ismail Ghani and Hezbollah commander Fouad Shukr. Iran has blamed Israel for the killings, though Israel has not publicly commented on its involvement. However, it did acknowledge responsibility in discussions with US officials.

At the same time, Yahya Sinwar, the new leader of Hamas, has communicated, via intermediaries, his willingness to engage in ceasefire negotiations with Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed readiness to strike a deal, but Israel's security services remain skeptical of such overtures.

Meanwhile, an increasing number of US officials have stated that Israel has achieved all it can militarily in Gaza. They argue that continued Israeli airstrikes on Gaza only heighten risks to the civilian population, while the chances of further weakening Hamas are diminishing. Although Israeli forces have dealt significant blows to Hamas, they acknowledge that completely eradicating the group remains an unattainable goal.