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Tractor hits mine in Kherson region, casualties reported

Tractor hits mine in Kherson region, casualties reported Tractor hits mine in Kherson region, casualties reported (Getty Images)

During fieldwork in the Kherson region, a tractor ran over a mine, which detonated. As a result of the explosion, the tractor driver died, and an agronomist was injured, according to the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The incident occurred near the village of Maksym Gorky in the Novoraiska community. While performing field work, a 45-year-old tractor driver ran over an unknown explosive device, which detonated.

The man sustained legs shrapnel wounds and burns. He was taken to the hospital, but he died on the way to the hospital.

An agronomist who was near the scene of the incident also suffered injuries and traumatic damage.