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Toropets strike details by Estonian intelligence: We'll see consequences in coming weeks

Toropets strike details by Estonian intelligence: We'll see consequences in coming weeks Russians lose shells after a strike on a warehouse in Toropets (photo: Getty Images)

The attack by Ukrainian drones on a missile depot in the Russian city of Toropets will have consequences at the front. They will be visible in the coming weeks, states Colonel Ants Kiviselg, Head of the Intelligence Center of the Estonian Defense Forces.

He noted that Ukrainian defenders struck the depot at a time when some of the Russian ammunition had not yet been placed in the bunkers. This resulted in a chain of explosions.

Kiviselg reminded that 30,000 tons of ammunition exploded, which is about 750,000 shells. According to him, Russia launches 10 thousand shells a week.

“That is a two- to three-month supply of ammunition. As a result of this attack, Russia has suffered losses in ammunition, and we will see the consequences of this loss at the front in the coming weeks,” emphasized the head of the Estonian Defense Forces Intelligence Center.

Commenting on the situation in the Kursk region, Kiviselg said that Ukraine continues to hold the initiative at the operational level, despite the start of the Russian counteroffensive.

“On Thursday of last week, Ukrainians also opened a new section of the frontline - the Hlushkiv direction, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces advanced almost six kilometers deep into Russian territory,” the colonel added.

What preceded it

On September 18, RBC-Ukraine's sources reported that drones of the DIU, SSU, and Special Operations Forces hit a large ammunition depot in Toropets, Tver region. A strong detonation started there.

The warehouse, according to interlocutors, was stockpiling Russian Iskander and Tochka-U missiles and North Korean-made KN-23 missiles.

As Oleksandr Kovalenko, a political expert at the Information Resistance group, noted in a commentary on RBC-Ukraine's YouTube channel, such a successful attack will not delay a possible massive strike on Ukraine.