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Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places

Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places Most popular places in Barcelona (photo: Freepik)

The capital of Catalonia and the second largest and most important city in Spain is a colorful and hospitable Barcelona. It is one of the few cities with its own bright personality that is a must-see.

Sagrada Familia Church

The Church of the Holy Family (Sagrada Familia) is a Catholic church in the Art Nouveau style. Its construction began in 1882 and continues to this day.

It is built according to a unique project by the famous architect Antoni Gaudi and exclusively on charitable donations.

Sagrada Familia is considered one of the most visited attractions in the world. Guests of Barcelona stand in line for hours to climb the bell tower and admire the quaint interiors.

Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places

Sagrada Familia Church

Park Güell

This is a city park designed by Antoni Gaudi. The territory is decorated with figures, sculptures and buildings created by the famous architect.

Park Güell is built in Gaudí's signature style, characterized by winding shapes, curves, and more. The park is located in the center of Barcelona, but is clearly separated from it. It is located on a hill above the central part of the city, and its calm, peaceful atmosphere is in contrast to the bustle of Barcelona's business districts.

Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places

Park Güell

Gothic Quarter

The Gothic Quarter is one of the four neighborhoods that make up Barcelona's Old Town district.

This maze of narrow old streets is located between La Rambla and La Laietana.

There are many interesting sights here. Old stone houses of the 14th and 15th centuries divide the narrow streets, and traditional tapas bars are located on the ground floors of the buildings.

In addition, there are modern shops, trendy restaurants and nightclubs.

Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places

Gothic Quarter

Place de la España

Place de la España is one of the city's central squares, located at the foot of Mount Montjuïc.

In the center of the round square is a huge and tall fountain monument with numerous sculptures. From time to time, colorful light and music performances are held here.

Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places

Place de la España

Plaça de Catalunya

Plaça de Catalunya is the central square of the Catalan capital, one of the largest in Barcelona. It covers an area of about 5 hectares.

The main city routes start from here. In addition, the borders of the old and new districts of Barcelona converge on the square.

Tourist buses and transport leading to the airport and the suburbs stop at Plaça de Catalunya. The place is popular and always crowded, even at night.

Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places

Plaça de Catalunya

Picasso Museum

Museum of the famous Spanish artist of the 20th century. Pablo Picasso has one of the largest collections of his paintings. It is one of the most popular and visited museums in Catalonia. It is located in five neighboring medieval palaces in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona.

In addition to Picasso's paintings, there are exhibitions of ceramics, prints, and photographs. The museum periodically hosts lectures about the life and work of the famous artist.

Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places

Picasso Museum

Old port

The Old Port is one of the most favorite places for walking for both residents and tourists.

It is also one of the most popular shopping destinations in Barcelona. It is also where boat tours of the port begin and where the funicular to Mount Montjuïc starts.

Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places

Old port

La Rambla

La Rambla is Barcelona's most famous boulevard, almost one mile long, located between Plaça Catalunya and the Old Port.

In fact, La Rambla is not one long street, but several short ones, each of which has the word "rambla" in its name.

La Rambla's hallmarks are mimes (living statues) and pickpockets who often rob tourists even during the day.

Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places

La Rambla

Arc de Triomphe

The Arc de Triomphe was built for the 1888 World's Fair. It was under this arch that one could drive to the main entrance of the exhibition.

The arch is made of red brick and decorated with stone and ceramic tiles. The style is Neo-Moorish.

The arch is decorated with 50 coats of arms - of Barcelona and other Spanish provinces. The columns are carved with bats.

The friezes on the sides are decorated with figures that allegorically represent agriculture and industry, as well as trade and art.

Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places

Arc de Triomphe

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló is a famous architectural monument located in the center of Barcelona. It was built by architect Antoni Gaudí in 1904-1906 and is still one of the most striking examples of his work.

The building is made in the Catalan Art Nouveau style and is one of the most striking examples of this artistic trend. Sometimes the building is called the "house with bones" because the balconies vaguely resemble skulls with holes in the nose and eyes.

Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places

Casa Batlló

Some art historians compare the balconies to Venetian carnival masks and point out that the facade of the building resembles sea waves.

In fact, this shape of the façade elements is an allegorical telling of the legend of St. George the Serpent-Slayer, who slays the dragon. The shape of the house's roof resembles the back of a dragon, the wooden staircase inside the house resembles its spine, and the roof tile resembles the scales on the animal's skin.

There is a cross on the roof - Gaudi used this element quite often in the design of residential premises.

Top 10 things to see in Barcelona: Most popular places

Casa Batlló

Sources: articles from Wikipedia, official websites of the Holy Family Church, the Picasso Museum, and the House of Batlló.