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This snack promotes easy and fast weight loss - Try it out

This snack promotes easy and fast weight loss - Try it out A snack that helps to lose weight has been named (photo: Freepik)

Hummus is gaining popularity as an ideal snack for those who want to lose weight. The light, tasty, and nutritious product not only satisfies hunger but also helps to control weight due to its beneficial properties, states Eating well.

Why eat hummus for weight loss

Contains fiber

Hummus is an appetizer made of chickpea puree, which usually includes olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, paprika, and sesame paste (tahini).

Just 1/4 cup contains almost 4 grams of fiber. That's as much as you'll get from a whole bowl of oatmeal. So it's a great way to get more slow-digesting fiber.

Rich in protein

Protein is generally more satiating than fat or carbohydrates. It also requires more energy to digest. A 1/4 cup serving of hummus contains almost 5 g of this beneficial nutrient.

The main ingredient in hummus is olive oil, which contains monounsaturated fats that promote a healthy heart and lower bad cholesterol. These fats can also help with weight control.

Maintains stable blood sugar levels

Chickpeas in hummus have a low glycemic index, which means that eating them is unlikely to cause blood sugar spikes. This allows you to avoid sudden feelings of hunger after eating.

Contains antioxidants

Chickpea-based hummus is rich in antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation in the body and improve overall health.

If the goal is to lose weight, hummus is a great choice. You can prepare a portion of hummus with garlic or avocado. This makes it an easy way to keep your taste buds satisfied.

Перекус №1, який сприяє легкому та швидкому схудненню

What is hummus good for (photo: wikipedia)

Who shouldn't eat hummus

Hummus is usually a safe and healthy food for most people, but there are certain cases when its consumption should be limited or avoided:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders - people with certain gastrointestinal problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, may have difficulty digesting chickpeas because they contain oligosaccharides that can cause bloating
  • Kidney problems - Chickpeas are a source of potassium and phosphorus, and people with serious kidney problems should limit their consumption as the body may not be able to effectively excrete these minerals
  • Low-calorie diet - hummus contains fats and calories, so if you are on a low-calorie diet, you should control your hummus portions to avoid exceeding your daily calorie limit

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