This method to keep potatoes fresh for longer

Potatoes are the most common ingredient in many dishes. However, they often darken or sprout when stored for a long time.
RBC-Ukraine shares effective ways to store potatoes for an extended period.
Best storage locations for potatoes
Popular storage locations include the refrigerator, cellar, basement, pantry, or balcony. Potatoes are often placed in boxes, cartons, or plastic bags. However, in some cases, these vegetables may begin to sprout or rot.
Some storage methods help maintain the freshness and flavor of potatoes during cooking. One of the best and simplest methods is using mesh bags.
According to culinary experts, mesh bags protect potatoes from sunlight while allowing air circulation, which prevents them from shrinking and rotting.
Another option is to spread potatoes in a single layer in wooden boxes placed in a dark, cool place.
While some people store potatoes in cardboard boxes, this is not ideal. Cardboard absorbs and retains moisture, which can cause mold. A similar fate awaits potatoes stored in paper bags.
Avoid using plastic bags or containers for long-term storage. The dense material prevents air circulation, leading to rotting.
Optimal storage conditions for potatoes
Potatoes are best stored in a cool, dark place with good ventilation. This helps keep them fresh and firm without turning green.
Greening occurs when chlorophyll accumulates under the skin. Proper storage also prevents potatoes from wrinkling and losing moisture.
If your pantry is too warm or you store potatoes for too long, they will sprout and may rot. For optimal results, store potatoes under the following conditions:
- Temperature: 7 to 12 degrees Celsius
- Relative humidity: 80% to 90%
- Darkness
- Open bag or sack
Do not store potatoes in the refrigerator. Raw potatoes contain a lot of starch, and low temperatures can convert it into sugar, making the potatoes sweeter and darker during cooking.
It's essential to regularly check potatoes for sprouts or green spots, as they may contain harmful substances.
In addition, avoid storing potatoes near apples, bananas, or onions. Fruits release ethylene gas, which accelerates ripening, while onions can transfer an unpleasant odor to potatoes.
Read also how to keep sliced avocado fresh for a week.
Sources: The Kitch, Serious Eats, Web MD.