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This life hack will help you look 10 years younger with makeup

This life hack will help you look 10 years younger with makeup How to rejuvenate with makeup (photo: Freepik)

Every woman wants to maintain her beauty and look as young as possible. This can be achieved with makeup tricks. This method is more budget-friendly, as it eliminates the need to spend a lot of money on visits to a cosmetologist, according to the Express website.

Which makeup will rejuvenate your face

Makeup artists have revealed clever ways to visually rejuvenate your face by up to 10 years.

This also doesn’t require spending a lot of money on expensive products, but rather making a few simple changes to your existing beauty routine.

The first tip is to invest in "sunny shades" or yellow-toned products. Mature skin tends to look washed out or dull, so it’s better to switch from products with pink tones, which can intensify the color, to those with a hint of yellow.

This unexpected shade adds warmth to even the dullest complexion.

Switching from a makeup brush to a damp sponge can work wonders for mature skin.

Experts also suggest that women who want a fresh look should replace powder products with cream ones. Powder not only tends to migrate and settle into fine lines, but it also "absorbs" light and highlights any dry patches.

Plum and burgundy lipsticks should be reserved for evening makeup only. It's best to part ways with brown-toned lipsticks. Be cautious with matte textures, as they can be very drying on the lips.

What kind of cosmetics to choose

With age, you should give preference to cosmetics that contain collagen (to smooth out small wrinkles).

One of the first things to reveal a woman's age is her face oval: over the years, skin tone decreases, facial contours begin to “blur”, and unnecessary wrinkles appear.

All age-related depressions need to be lightened (in particular, this is why you need a highlighter), and the contour of the face oval should be emphasized with a darker shade of powder.

Blush also helps to rejuvenate the face. Only peach or pink blush is important, and the cheekbones should be emphasized with dark, golden or beige blush.

It is important not to leave makeup on your face overnight, as it is very harmful to the skin.