ua en ru

Third Assault Brigade unit captured Russian commanders in Luhansk region

Third Assault Brigade unit captured Russian commanders in Luhansk region Photo: Third Assault Brigade unit captured Russians in Luhansk region (Getty Images)

Fighters of the Third Assault Brigade captured two Russian military officers - the deputy commander of a company and a senior sergeant of the 752nd RF Regiment.

Fighters of the second mechanized battalion of the Third Assault captured the Russian military near the settlement of Raihorodka in the Luhansk region.

The enemy was defeated during an attempt to storm the Ukrainian forces' front positions, and 28 occupiers were eliminated.

The deputy commander of the company and the senior sergeant of the 752nd RF Regiment managed to survive. They believed they were advancing to secure a position. One of the captured Russians was wounded.

The fighters of the Third Assault Brigade also showed a video of the interrogation of the captured occupiers.

Russian losses

Putin's regime conceals the losses of its occupation forces in Ukraine. The number of Russian dead and wounded, as well as the amount of military equipment lost, is not disclosed.

However, opposition Russian media confirmed a named list of tens of thousands of Russian soldiers who died in the war, including many officers and command staff.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since the start of the full-scale war, Russia has lost more than 481,000 soldiers. Just on the last day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated 1,320 Russians.