These zodiac signs will receive special surprise from Universe

Representatives of the four zodiac signs will get a special chance. They will be able to end this week on the most positive note possible, because the tarot horoscope for January 17 promises them a lot of happiness.
The tarot horoscope for Friday promises you good news. The universe has decided to make you happy, so all surprises will be pleasant and really important. However, remember the law of the boomerang - don't do anything you might regret later. Enjoy your luck, but don't go to extremes.
Tarot cards advise you to take the plunge on an action you've been thinking about for a long time. The universe will be on your side, so don't be afraid to make a mistake, you won't fail. Gather all your will into a fist and tune in to make a breakthrough. The result of your efforts will not disappoint.
The tarot horoscope for January 17 promises you surprises and reasons for joy that you hardly allowed yourself to dream of. Don't focus only on the bad, let the Universe change your life for the better. Start spreading your wings and remember that you can do anything, you just need to want it badly.
This Friday, you will definitely not be bored or sad. The universe will give you interesting adventures that will make you realize that your life is wonderful. A black "streak" is always followed by a white one, so say goodbye to problems and failures - there will be much less of them now.
Also, read the tarot horoscope for the rest of the week
Sources: Metro, Your Tango.