These zodiac signs to receive special message from Universe during full moon

Soon, the full moon will arrive. Representatives of four zodiac signs should prepare for receiving a very important message on September 18. The universe has decided to assist them.
RBC-Ukraine tells which zodiac signs will have this rare opportunity.
Lately, you may have felt tired and confused. Soon, you'll understand what went wrong. The universe will help you fix things, and after the full moon, you'll be able to start anew, bringing you closer to your desired outcomes.
The full moon will pleasantly surprise you. While many fear change and surprises, that's not the case for you. You'll soon receive what you desire, your life will begin to fill with positivity, and all your problems will disappear. Take a look around; you've already received an important sign.
It's time for miracles, even if you've lost faith. The "bad" streak will end with the full moon. Embrace new adventures and joyful events. Remember the promises you made in the past. The universe will give you a sign and remind you of your "debts."
Don't underestimate your intuition. You'll be surprised to find out how much you can change. Start acting as soon as you receive the sign from above. The full moon will help you conquer any heights, so let go of your fears and achieve everything you've dreamed of.
In addition, read the Tarot horoscope for the week.
Sources: Your Tango, Spiritualify.