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Telegram names cause of recent outages

Telegram names cause of recent outages Photo: Telegram has named the cause of the latest outage (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The messaging app Telegram has experienced unprecedented loads over the past few days due to events in the Middle East, resulting in widespread outages, according to Telegram's press service.

"Due to the recent events in the Middle East, particularly in Israel, Lebanon, and Iran, Telegram experienced unprecedented loads," the statement says.

As a result, some users have faced temporary connection issues and difficulties accessing media during the past few days.

"Thanks to our technical team's efforts, Telegram remained available in most countries, and all issues are now fully resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience," the messaging service added.

Telegram outages

The large-scale outages were reported on Telegram in recent days.

Specifically, on Thursday, October 3, users widely reported issues with the service. Messages were loading and sending slowly.