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Tarot horoscope for Friday promises fulfillment of wishes for three zodiac signs

Tarot horoscope for Friday promises fulfillment of wishes for three zodiac signs Horoscope for October 4 (Illustration:

This Friday, October 4, representatives of three zodiac signs will be very lucky. Tarot cards promise them a fulfilling day and joyful events.

Your Tango tells which zodiac signs will be the main lucky ones this Friday.


On this day, you may realize that you are ready for new achievements. Allow your courage and desire to make yourself heard to lead you to success. The Tarot cards advise you to gather confidence and not doubt that you can turn all your dreams into reality.

Additionally, on Friday, you should not hesitate with important decisions. If you want to say or do something — do it and say it; don’t wait for a convenient opportunity or the right moment. It’s time to live in the here and now; don’t postpone your happiness for later.


The Tarot cards promise you a highly productive and interesting day. On Friday, it’s essential to set aside your feelings and doubts; when it comes to success, it’s important to employ all your wisdom and logic. Avoid impulsive actions and tackle tasks you have been trying to delegate to others.

As soon as you begin to take matters into your own hands and not fear responsibility, everything will change for the better. You will undoubtedly receive exciting news and realize that true happy changes come to those who act, not wait.


On Friday, you might start believing in miracles. Your life will be filled with joy and good news. If you feel ready for something grand, don’t wait until Monday — start taking action now.

Try not to stay cooped up at home; you need to socialize more and interact with your colleagues. While the desire to go with the flow is understandable, it won’t be beneficial for you.

We’ve already shared who October will bring immense happiness to.

Additionally, it was previously revealed which zodiac signs will be lucky over the weekend.