Symptom of heart attack that appears weeks before. Do not ignore this signal!

The doctor said that there are certain symptoms of a heart attack, which, according to him, can appear weeks before the onset of the disease, reports Daily Express.
What symptom can signal a heart attack
Dr. Muhammad Siyab said that chest pain that appears in a few weeks can be a signal of a dangerous condition.
Typically, before they have a heart attack, people will have symptoms a couple of weeks beforehand.
And while pain that comes and goes can indicate an impending heart attack, it's not just pain that prospective patients should be wary of.
"It could be pressure on your chest, it could be numbness that spreads down your left jaw, and remember that women can have many, many other symptoms compared to men," Dr. Siyab added.
For women, the list of potential harbingers of a heart attack extends to shortness of breath, nausea, indigestion, back pain, and fatigue.
"The important thing about these symptoms is that they tend to have a very specific pattern. We're talking about stuttering," the expert clarified.
Other signs of a heart attack:
discomfort in the center of the chest;
- compressive, pulling pain behind the sternum;
- pain in the left arm with projection to the elbow, little finger, neck, and lower jaw;
feeling of fear, rapid breathing (more than 30 breaths per minute);
cold sweat, nausea, dizziness.
A heart attack is a myocardial infarction, an extreme degree of coronary heart disease characterized by the development of ischemic necrosis of the myocardium resulting from absolute or relative insufficiency of blood supply in this area.
By the way, avoid these 4 things to avoid cancer, heart attack, or stroke.
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