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Strike on Saky airfield in Crimea: Russian radar system allegedly destroyed

Strike on Saky airfield in Crimea: Russian radar system allegedly destroyed Photo: Russian radar may have been destroyed in Crimea (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

On the night of July 26, explosions were heard in Crimea near the Saky airfield. The nighttime explosions could have destroyed a Russian radar station, according to Russian Telegram channel Astra.

Crimea was allegedly attacked with ATACMS missiles last night, and there was a strike at the Saky military airfield in Novofedorivka. According to preliminary data, there was a hit on the ammunition, which caused a fire.

Russian media notes that two Russian occupants sustained shrapnel wounds as a result of the attack.

Also, according to Astra, there was a hit on the location of Russian air defense five kilometers from the village of Shelkovychne (15 kilometers from Novofedorivka). The attack allegedly destroyed the Russian radar station.


On the night of July 26, explosions were heard in Crimea. Russians claimed an alleged attack. It was loud in Novofedorivka, as well as in Simferopol and near Yevpatoriya.

The network reported a strike on the military airfield Saky in Novofedorivka, allegedly a warehouse with ammunition was hit. After the explosions, a fire broke out in the area of the airfield.