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Strike on Kharkiv: Number of victims exceeds 40

Strike on Kharkiv: Number of victims exceeds 40 Russians attacked Kharkiv (photo:

Russians have dropped a guided aerial bomb on a residential building in Kharkiv again. More than 40 people have been reported injured, according to Head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleh Syniehubov and Mayor Ihor Terekhov.

Terekhov explained that this time the strike hit the Nemyshlyanskyi district of Kharkiv. Two entrances of the house where the Russians dropped the bomb were the most damaged, including damage to the ceilings.

“The fire engulfed the top four floors. At least 12 neighboring houses were also damaged. Our specialists have already started boarding up windows in some of them. At the same time, we are inspecting the structures and going door-to-door,” the mayor said.

At the same time, he said that as of 6:30 p.m., more than 40 people have been injured as a result of Russian aggression.

“According to the updated data, there are 41 victims. Among them are four children, the youngest child is one year old,” he explained.

In his turn, Syniehubov said that employees of the State Emergency Service rescued a man and his dog from the 12th floor.

“There are still people under the rubble, three apartments have been completely destroyed,” he added.

Today, September 15, the Russian military dropped a guided aerial bomb on Kharkiv.

RBC-Ukraine has gathered all the information about the enemy attack on the city.

Last night, the Russians also launched two guided bombs at Kharkiv. As a result of the attack, a fire broke out in an educational institution building, and grass burned in the Kyivskyi district.