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SSU Special Forces officer on whether Wagner's Moscow coup was staged

SSU Special Forces officer on whether Wagner's Moscow coup was staged Security Service of Ukraine's (SSU) Special Forces officer Serhii Stakhovskyi (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Maria Kholina

In June of last year, Russia was rocked by internal conflict, namely the so-called Wagner PMC's march on Moscow. When the events ended in failure, many experts and citizens alike began to voice the opinion that it was all just a show, according to the Security Service of Ukraine's (SSU) Special Forces officer Serhii Stakhovskyi in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

During the full-scale war, Ukrainians came up with the concept of depopulation. This refers to unfortunate events in Russia, which Ukrainians rejoice in.

Sergii Stakhovskyi says that there are no cheerful comments on such occasions anywhere, but he himself rejoices that the occupiers' actions in Ukraine are coming back to them in karma.

But the greatest joy for Ukrainians is considered the Wagner PMC's Moscow coup.

"I don't think it was staged. Several planes were shot down, a certain number of people died. It was definitely not staged, and it was wonderful. But there weren't enough eggs, well, not tenants anymore," says the special forces officer.

Спецпризначенець СБУ Стаховський сказав, чи був похід Вагнера на Москву постановою

Wagner PMC founder Yevgeny Prigozhin allegedly died in a plane crash (photo: Russian media)

Wagner's campaign to Moscow

On the evening of June 23, 2023, the head of Wagner, Yevgeny Prigozhin, accused the Russian Ministry of Defense of shelling the rear positions of Wagner's fighters. He also made accusations against the Russian Defense Minister Shoigu.

Prigozhin's rebellion was supported by the Russian Volunteer Corps and the neo-Nazi terrorist group Sabotage Assault Reconnaissance Group (DShRG) Rusich.

Later, Prigozhin announced that his PMC had seized military facilities in Russia's Rostov-on-Don. In Voronezh, an oil depot began to burn, and an air alarm sounded. Meanwhile, Russian aviation struck several blows on the M-4 highway, along which Wagner PMC fighters were moving.

Allegedly, the self-proclaimed President of Belarus, Lukashenko, intervened in the conflict, and Prigozhin agreed to his proposal to deploy troops.

As a result, Wagner did not reach Moscow. Yevgeny Prigozhin was supposed to go to Belarus, and the PMC mercenaries were not supposed to be pursued for their "services at the front."

On August 23, 2023, Yevgeny Prigozhin, Dmitry Utkin, and some other PMC leaders were involved in a plane crash during a flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg.