Sinister Friday 13th: Why this day considered unlucky and what to avoid today?

Friday the 13th is associated with unlucky events and various superstitions. Some even believe that this date holds special magical powers.
Why Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day, what prohibitions exist on this day, and some interesting facts about this day, RBC-Ukraine reveals.
Sources used in preparing the material include Live Science, New York Historical Society, and Wikipedia.
Why is Friday the 13th considered an unlucky day?
The belief that 13 is an unlucky number may be traced back to ancient mythology. For example, one Scandinavian myth tells of a banquet for 12 gods, where the 13th guest, Loki, appeared uninvited. The 13th guest then killed Balder, the god of joy and happiness.
In Christianity, Judas, the betrayer of Jesus, was also the "unlucky" 13th guest at the Last Supper.
Friday is considered an unlucky day in some cultures. The Brewer's Dictionary of Phrases and Fable from 1898 claims that Friday is the day of Jesus's crucifixion and possibly when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
In 1882, poet John Godfrey Saxe published a poem about a poodle wandering the town with a basket, collecting food for its blind master. It includes lines about how on Fridays, "the day when all ill-luck betides," a cruel butcher cuts off the dog's tail.
In 1907, writer Thomas William Lawson combined the concepts of unlucky Friday and the unlucky number 13 in the novel "Friday, the Thirteenth," where an unscrupulous stockbroker exploits superstitions to play the stock market today. Lawson didn't invent the idea that Friday the 13th was a scary and unlucky date, but he was the first popularizer of this concept.
What not to do on Friday the 13th?
Avoid walking under ladders
It is believed that walking under ladders on this day brings bad luck. This belief may be related to the idea that ladders in some cultures symbolize the path to hell.
Avoid black cats
Black cats are traditionally considered a symbol of bad luck, and encountering them on Friday the 13th is incredibly unlucky.
Do not break mirrors
A broken mirror is considered a bad omen, and on Friday the 13th, this superstition is intensified.
Avoid traveling
Many people avoid long journeys and planning significant events on this day, believing it may lead to unfortunate consequences.
Do not get married
The weddings held on Friday the 13th may bring unhappy married life.
Do not make significant financial investments.
Be cautious about any investments, and be careful with your financial decisions.
Avoid important rituals or ceremonies
Such activities on this day may not bring the desired results.
Note that these restrictions are superstitious and do not have scientific justification.
Impact of Friday the 13th on society
The Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in North Carolina found that due to Friday the 13th, businesses lose nearly a billion dollars because people refuse to make significant purchases or travel.
Real estate workers also suffer on this date. found that from 2005 to 2012, 43% fewer transactions were on Friday the 13th than on other Fridays.
In recent years, the cost of air travel on this "ominous date" is often lower than on other days due to the fear of flying on this day.
Some hotels and airports still avoid using the number 13, and about 9% of buildings in New York do not have a 13th floor.