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Shelling of Poltava region results in fire

Shelling of Poltava region results in fire Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Poltava region came under attack on the night of November 1, resulting in a fire after a direct hit, according to the governor of Poltava Regional Military Administration, Filip Pronin.

An air raid alert in the region lasted for more than four hours. Russian forces launched an attack using drones, which led to a fire due to a strike on the oil refinery plant in Kremenchuk.

"Unfortunately, there was a direct hit on the Kremenchuk oil refinery. A fire broke out, but it has been extinguished by the rescue teams. The situation is under control, and there are no confirmed casualties at this time. Information about any structural damage is currently being assessed. The facility is not operational, and all relevant services are on-site," stated the governor.

Обстріли Полтавської області: є влучання та пожежа

Photo: Fire at the oil refinery plant (

Pronin also added that some of the enemy drones were intercepted by the Ukrainian Air Force.

Poltava Region Shelling
During the night, the Ukrainian Air Force reported a drone attack on the Poltava region. Local residents in Kremenchuk reported hearing explosions.

Ukrainian defenders reported shelling in Kremenchuk and urged local residents to seek shelter. Additionally, the town of Myrhorod also came under enemy attack.