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Seven unnoticeable habits that take away your energy and happiness

Seven unnoticeable habits that take away your energy and happiness What 7 invisible habits steal our happiness and energy every day (photo: Freepik)

We don't even notice how some habits ruin our lives. They seem insignificant, but in fact, they deprive us of energy, joy, and opportunities. What to look for and how to fix it?

Life could be brighter and simpler if not for habits that subconsciously poison us from the inside out. We get used to them, consider them the "norm," and then wonder why we don't feel happiness, harmony, and strength.

Here are the 7 most common toxic habits that steal your energy and prevent you from living your life to the fullest.

Worry about things you can't change

Wasting energy on the past, other people's opinions or failures is a waste of energy. Think not about what has happened, but about what you can do now. Time does not stand still, it flows, and so does your life. At this very moment, when you are still thinking about the past.

What will help? Leave the past in the past, and try to look only forward. Record small victories and joys every day. Enjoy every day of your life.

Putting off life "for later"

"If I wait a little longer, everything will be fine." In reality, there will never be perfect conditions. Either you act now, or you risk being stuck for years to come. The worst is when you wait years to do something that can be solved in a few hours or days. And when it becomes a habit - you fall into a trap called "procrastination". It leads to anxiety, stress, and the inability to cope with the workload.

What will help? Start with small steps - make a list of tasks for today and do them right away. And so on every day.

Tolerate toxic people

Dramatic friends, manipulators, and those who make you feel guilty or not good enough are not your people. They drag you down. But there is always a choice, and you can control your own life and those around you.

What will help? Think about who in your environment gives you positive vibes, and with whom every meeting ends in sadness and fatigue. Try to spend more time with the former and less time with the latter.

Try to please everyone

The more you try to make everyone happy, the less happy you are. No one will appreciate your sacrifice the way you think they will. Striving for perfectionism is good, but there are no perfect people and you won't be able to make everyone "good."

What will help? Allow yourself to make mistakes, learn to say "no" to things that are uncomfortable, don't give you strength, or you just don't feel like it.

Convince yourself that "it's not time yet"

Fear is often disguised as an excuse: "I'm not ready yet", "I don't have enough experience", "I need to wait a little bit". But the truth is that there will never be a perfect moment. And there will only be disappointment that you spent so much time doubting.

What will help? For example, in March you should learn to ride a bicycle, and in April you should finally get a new haircut, enroll in courses, and update your resume.

Devaluing your successes

If you constantly think that "it's just a fluke" or "it's not a real achievement yet," then your life will always seem not good enough. This habit is also called the "imposter syndrome" and the worst part about it is that such thoughts undermine self-esteem and prevent you from moving forward.

What will help? Start a notebook of achievements and write down your successes every day. Any, even the smallest and most mundane ones. This will help you realize that you are actually doing a lot.

Neglecting your health

Frequent colds, back pain, a tooth that has been aching for months, fatigue every day - all of these things prevent you from not only functioning normally on a daily basis but also spoil your entire perception of life. How can you be happy about something or achieve anything if you fall apart at every step, and you have only one desire - to lie down and not move?

What will help? Breathe fresh air - start with short walks, drink plenty of water, sort out your diet and sleep, make an appointment with your doctor immediately, and get checked out.

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Sources: Psychology Today, Harvard Business Review, VeryWellmind.