Scientists identify women's height and weight men find most attractive

Women often resort to diets, undergo various cosmetic procedures, and strive to achieve model-like proportions in their quest to appear attractive to men. However, in reality, men are attracted to entirely different types of women, according to research from the University of Aberdeen.
How research was conducted
Scottish scientists conducted a large-scale study on what determines women's attractiveness. The researchers aimed to understand whether men evaluate attractiveness based on women's height and weight. Scientists from 10 different institutions worldwide also participated in the study.
"Fitness in evolutionary terms comprises two things: survival and the ability to reproduce. What we wanted to investigate was the idea that when we look at someone and think they are physically attractive, are we actually making that assessment based on a hard-wired evolutionary understanding of their potential for future survival and reproductive ability?" explained Professor John Speakman.
To test their hypothesis, the scientists developed a specialized mathematical model, which predicted that women with a body mass index (BMI) between 24 and 24.8 would be perceived as the most attractive.
The next step involved testing their prediction on men from 10 different countries. Participants were shown 21 cards featuring women with various body types and weights. They were asked to rank these cards in order of attractiveness, from least to most appealing.
Research findings
All participants evaluated physical attractiveness similarly, with women having a BMI of 19 deemed the most attractive. This finding contradicted the earlier "fitness" mathematical model.
The discrepancy became evident when respondents were asked about the ages of the women depicted in the images. It turned out that heavier individuals were perceived as older, while slimmer ones were considered younger. Age itself emerged as a strong indicator of evolutionary fitness.
When age was factored into the mathematical model, the preference shifted to a BMI range of 17 to 20, aligning with the figures people generally find more appealing.
Slimness in women is considered more attractive because it is associated with youth. A BMI of 17–20 typically corresponds to young women aged 18–20 who have maximum fertility and minimal risk of future health issues.
At the same time, scientists uncovered another fact: men are also attracted to women with curves. This means that women with a BMI of 22.8 to 24.8 are the most appealing to men. This corresponds to a height of 170 cm and a weight of 70 kg.
How to calculate BMI
BMI is a measure that assesses the relationship between a person's weight and height. It is calculated using a specific formula:
BMI = weight (kg) / (height (m))²
For example, for a woman who is 165 cm tall and weighs 65 kg, the BMI is 23.9. The normal BMI range for women is 19.5 to 25.5.
- A BMI below 19 indicates underweight.
- A BMI above 25.5 suggests overweight.
- A BMI of 30 or higher requires immediate medical attention and action to reduce weight, as it signals obesity.
Read also about what weight is right for your height.
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