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Scholz's candidate for European Parliament beaten in Germany

Scholz's candidate for European Parliament beaten in Germany Matthias Ecke, German politician (photo:

In Dresden, Matthias Ecke, a candidate for the European Parliament from the Social Democratic Party of Germany, a native of which is Chancellor Olaf Scholz, was seriously beaten, reports Associated Press.

The SPD candidate was attacked while posting posters in Dresden. After the attack, he was taken to the hospital where he underwent surgery.

According to the German police, 41-year-old Ecke was beaten by four men who then also attacked a representative of the Green Party on the same street.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, reacting to the incident, said that the incident could be a "serious attack on democracy" if it is proven to be politically motivated.

"We are experiencing a new dimension of anti-democratic violence," Feather said, promising tougher action and further protection for democratic forces.

Recently, a wave of violence against politicians has swept through Germany. For example, last week, the car of the Vice President of the German Parliament, Catherine Goering-Eckardt, was blocked by protesters for almost an hour. Representatives of opposition parties also complained of intimidation. The far-right AfD party, which has ties to Russia, is suspected of involvement.

The European Parliament elections are scheduled for June 6-9, 2024. The current president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is also running in these elections, and she has promised to fight back against Putin's friends in the European Parliament.