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Scholz on lifting restrictions on strikes deep into Russia: Incompatible with my personal position

Scholz on lifting restrictions on strikes deep into Russia: Incompatible with my personal position Photo: Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Germany will not lift restrictions on Ukrainian strikes deep into Russian territory. This is the position of the German government, stated German Chancellor Olaf Scholz before a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The head of the German government stated that his country, in the context of aid to Ukraine, "is focused on what really helps and what is necessary."

"This also includes the fact that Germany will not lift restrictions on the range (of strikes - ed.). This is incompatible with my personal position," Scholz added.

He also urged the EU to quickly provide Ukraine with the promised financial aid of 35 billion euros. According to the Сhancellor, it is important that partners from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan also contribute.


Germany has not provided Ukraine with long-range weapons, despite Kyiv's ongoing requests.

Ukrainian officials asked Germany to supply Taurus long-range air-launched missiles, which can hit targets within a 500-kilometer radius. However, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has opposed this.

The head of the German government is reportedly concerned that Ukrainian forces might use these missiles to strike Moscow.

For more details on whether the supply of such missiles could change the course of the war in Ukraine, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.