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Save on European train travel: Tips for passengers

Save on European train travel: Tips for passengers Photo: Train in Europe (

Passengers in Europe are encouraged to use trains more for travel to mitigate the negative impact of air travel on the environment. However, many are deterred by high ticket prices for trains.

How to travel by train cheaper, tells

Bjorn Bender, CEO of Rail Europe, traveled approximately 75,000 kilometers throughout Europe in just 2023. He considers trains his second office. According to him, there is a growing demand for train travel worldwide, with Europe seeing an increase of about 20%.

He shares tips on how to save on train travel:

  • don't book directly on the carrier's website. The most options for routes and prices can be found on websites that provide ticket prices from multiple providers;
  • book 7-12 weeks in advance. During this time window, ticket prices for trains are usually the lowest;
  • choose routes with transfers. Since direct flights are faster, they are also more expensive. Traveling with transfers is often significantly cheaper;
  • join loyalty programs and buy family passes. Such programs for international trips often increase the chances of getting good fares. And passes allow the whole family to travel for a few hundred euros for a month.

We previously wrote about eight train routes in Europe that will be launched this year. More comfortable trips will be available between several countries.