ua en ru

Russians strike Sumy region, triggering extensive residential fires

Russians strike Sumy region, triggering extensive residential fires Russians attacked Sumy district, a large-scale fire broke out (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

A large-scale fire broke out in Sumy district due to Russian shelling. A residential sector and a house of culture were on fire, according to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

"A large-scale fire caused by Russian shelling has been extinguished in Sumy region. The fire broke out the night before in the residential sector due to enemy strikes on one of the settlements in Sumy district," the rescuers say.

According to the State Emergency Service, the shock wave damaged private houses, including apartment buildings.

"A house of culture and residential buildings were on fire. The fire was extinguished, which prevented the fire from spreading to the homes of the local population," the service adds.

Photo of the aftermath of a large-scale fire in Sumy district due to the Russian attack (

Russian shelling of Sumy region

Russian troops are constantly shelling the Sumy region, especially the border areas bordering Russia. Just on January 7, the Russian occupiers attacked the town of Krolevets in the Sumy region. The city was hit by Russian Shaheds and a rocket.

In addition, there have been numerous attempts by Russian subversive reconnaissance groups to break through the Ukrainian Armed Forces' defense in the Sumy region. For example, on October 12, an occupation subversive group tried to break through the border of Ukraine in the Sumy region and get to a critical infrastructure facility. Having been repelled, the Russians retreated with losses. The subversive group consisted of eight people.

As a reminder, due to constant shelling and attempts by enemy subversive reconnaissance groups in the Sumy region, evacuation was introduced from border settlements located within a 5-kilometer zone from the border with the aggressor country.