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Russians shelled Kherson all night and morning: Woman and two kids injured

Russians shelled Kherson all night and morning: Woman and two kids injured Russians shelled Kherson all night and morning (
Author: Maria Kholina

Russian forces were shelling the city of Kherson throughout the night and Monday morning, October 2. During one of the attacks, two girls and their mother were wounded, according to the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office.

"On October 1, at around 23:40, Russian military once again shelled residential neighborhoods in the city of Kherson," the regional prosecutor's office statement said.

The artillery shelling resulted in a private house catching fire.

"A 13-year-old girl sustained moderate injuries, her 12-year-old sister was diagnosed with an acute stress reaction due to the shelling. Their mother suffered shrapnel wounds," the statement said.

The victims were inside their home during the shelling.

Consequences of the shelling of Kherson (
Shelling of Kherson
According to the prosecutor's office, occupiers continued to shell the central part of Kherson (liberated by Ukrainian forces in November 2022) throughout the night and into the morning of October 2. Buildings, outbuildings, a church, and other civilian objects were damaged in the attack.

Over the past week, the shelling of Kherson and its region has intensified significantly, with the enemy targeting the city with bombs and missiles.