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Russians shell Hlukhiv in Sumy region: Many injured, including 7 children

Russians shell Hlukhiv in Sumy region: Many injured, including 7 children Photo: Russians shelled Hlukhiv in Sumy region on July 27 (

Russian troops attacked Hlukhiv in the Sumy region. 13 people were injured, most of them children, a teenager died, according to and Sumy Regional Military Administration.

“There is no information about the dead, but there are people in serious condition,” she said.

Infrastructure was also destroyed.

Ten wounded, mostly children

Russians attacked Hlukhiv using multiple launch rocket systems. 12 explosions were recorded.

“As a result of the shelling, 10 people were injured, 6 of them children. One woman and a child are in serious condition,” the Sumy Regional Military Administration said later.

Number of wounded increased, teenager died

Later, the Sumy regional prosecutor's office said that 13 civilians, including 7 children, were wounded in the shelling.

“After some time, a 14-year-old boy died in the hospital,” the department said.

Apartments and private houses, an educational institution, a shop, and vehicles were also damaged.

Shelling of Sumy region

Since the beginning of Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russian troops have been constantly shelling the border of the Sumy region. Russia also shelled Hlukhiv, which is located in the Shostka district, in May 2022.

Russia uses drones, artillery, and other weapons to attack. There have also been numerous attempts by Russian subversive reconnaissance groups to break through in the Sumy region.

In late May, the State Border Guard Service said that the Russians were keeping their units near the border with the Sumy region, but these forces were not enough for a successful offensive. Ukrainian Defense Forces are ready for any scenario.