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Russians intensify actions on Lyman direction - Ukrainian Armed Forces repel attacks

Russians intensify actions on Lyman direction - Ukrainian Armed Forces repel attacks Photo: The Russian Federation stepped up operations in the Lyman direction on June 8 (Getty Images)

Afternoon of June 8, Russian forces intensified their activity in the Lyman direction. Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully repel attacks; one engagement is ongoing at the moment, according to the General Staff's data as of 13:30.

"In the Lyman direction, the enemy has intensified - since the beginning of the day, Ukrainian forces have repelled five enemy attacks near Ivanivka, Terny, Torsk, and Makiivka," the report states.

Another engagement, military officials note, is ongoing - occupants are storming our positions near Nevske.

Situation on other fronts

Since the beginning of the day, Russian invaders have attacked Ukrainian defensive positions 44 times. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are forcefully responding to the enemy's assault and offensive actions, destroying infantry and equipment.

Thrice, the invaders attempted attacks in the Kramatorsk direction, near Ivanivka, Andriivka, and in the area of Nove. The enemy's actions were repelled. Enemy losses are being clarified.

Today, the Pokrovsk direction sees the highest intensity of enemy attacks. The total number of combat actions here has risen to 15 since the start of the day. Battles are ongoing near Novooleksandrivka, Novopokrovka, and Nevelske. Our soldiers repelled seven attacks and eight are ongoing. Defensive forces are decisively holding back the enemy's pressure and responding harshly to any enemy activity.

In the Kurakhiv direction, Ukrainian Defense Forces have repelled three assault actions near Heorhiivka and Paraskoviivka since the beginning of the day. Combat engagements continue in two locations near Krasnohorivka.

In the Vremivsk direction, the enemy attacked near Zavitne Bazhannia. They did not succeed. An airstrike was carried out in the area of Velyka Novosilka - a guided aerial bomb was dropped.

In the Prydniprovsk direction, the Russian aggressor attempted to storm our positions near Krynky twice. The attacks were repelled. The situation is under control. The enemy conducted airstrikes in the areas of Ivanivka, Burhunka, and Chaikyne.

Losses of the Russian Federation in Ukraine

Over the past day, Ukrainian Armed Forces have eliminated another 1,210 Russian occupiers. Since the full-scale war began by June 8, Russia has lost 517,290 soldiers.

Additionally, Ukrainian military forces have destroyed 36 artillery systems and shot down 59 tactical drones.

It is noteworthy that during the week from May 26 to June 2, Ukrainian Armed Forces eliminated 8,670 Russian military personnel. Furthermore, 1,443 pieces of weaponry and equipment were destroyed.