ua en ru

Russians force workers of budgetary institutions in Donbas to join 'United Russia' party

Russians force workers of budgetary institutions in Donbas to join 'United Russia' party Occupiers in Donbas are forcing budget employees to write applications for membership in "United Russia." (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Workers of budgetary institutions in the temporarily occupied territories of Donbas are being forced by the Russians to submit applications for membership in the "United Russia" party. This is done to simulate an electoral process, according to the press service of the National Resistance Center.

Thus, in the temporarily occupied territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, all employees of industrial enterprises and educational institutions were informed of the need to write an application to join the party of international criminal Vladimir Putin – “United Russia”, the statement says.

It is noted that all participants of the forced passportization were ordered to offer the person the opportunity to join the "United Russia" party when issuing the Russian passport.

Recruited party members are promised financial incentives

The Russians plan to hold the so-called "elections" in early September. To conceal the low voter turnout, the elections will be conducted over several days, with voting based on the place of residence.

As reported by the "National Resistance Center," in the temporarily occupied Crimea, the enemy is conducting "military-patriotic education" events aimed at spreading propaganda among the youth.