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Russians attack Kharkiv region: one injured reported

Russians attack Kharkiv region: one injured reported Russia attacks Kharkiv region (Getty Images)

Russian forces attacked Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region today. One person was injured, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

"In the morning, the occupiers shelled the city of Vovchansk in the Chuhuiv district. According to preliminary information, a 60-year-old man was injured," the statement says.

According to law enforcement agencies, the injured man was hospitalized.

Russian attacks on Kharkiv and the region

Russian forces continuously shell Kharkiv and the region. On July 16, during a missile attack on the Osnovianskyi district, a 23 years old civilian was killed, seven people were injured.

During the night of July 16, Russian occupiers launched a missile strike on the territory of Kharkiv and the Osnovianskyi district. Two missiles exploded in the air. The enemy launched four S-300 surface-to-air missiles at approximately 1:30 am from the Belgorod region.