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Russians attack apartment building in Kherson: People injured, including teenager

Russians attack apartment building in Kherson: People injured, including teenager Photo: Russia shells Kherson on July 18, three wounded (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russian troops attacked a high-rise building in Kherson on July 18. Three people, including a teenage girl, were wounded, according to the head of the Kherson regional military administration, Oleksandr Prokudin.

"Kherson came under attack by Russian forces. The enemy continues to bombard the city's residential areas. In the apartment building targeted by the occupiers, windows were shattered and the walls were riddled with fragments," he said.

Three people who were outside were hit by the attack.

"A 16-year-old girl in serious condition was taken to the hospital. She sustained blast injuries, a brain contusion, and head wounds," added the head of the Regional Military Administration.

Additionally, a 71-year-old woman was diagnosed with facial and neck injuries, as well as a fractured jaw. A 50-year-old Kherson woman suffered a concussion, blast and traumatic brain injuries, and shrapnel wounds to the face and lower limbs.

Shelling of Kherson

Russian forces occupied Kherson in February 2022, but by autumn, the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to retake the city and the settlements on the right bank of the Dnipro River.

Currently, Russian forces are shelling the city from the left bank of the region, which remains under Russian control. The shelling of Kherson by the Russians is constant.

For example, on July 2, the Russian army attacked Kherson. As a result of the attack, eight people were injured, and one woman was killed.