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Russian volunteers to be denied Ukrainian citizenship: Draft law registered

Russian volunteers to be denied Ukrainian citizenship: Draft law registered The Cabinet of Ministers wants deny citizenship of Ukraine to Russian volunteers (Photo: GettyImages)
Author: Daria Shekina

The Cabinet of Ministers has registered draft law №9585, which proposes changes regarding the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons participating in the defense of Ukraine's territorial integrity and inviolability, according to a statement by the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Ukrainian Parliament, Taras Melnychuk, on his Telegram.

One of the main innovations proposes to halt the consideration and acceptance of applications for acquiring Ukrainian citizenship from citizens of the Russian Federation until one year after the cessation or cancellation of a state of war.

This way, Russian volunteers will be denied the granting of Ukrainian citizenship. However, according to Melnychuk's information, several exceptions will be outlined.

Additionally, the Cabinet of Ministers intends to obligate citizens of the Russian Federation and citizens of Belarus who have acquired Ukrainian citizenship in accordance with the law "On Ukrainian Citizenship" and have undertaken the commitment to terminate foreign citizenship, to submit a document confirming the termination of foreign citizenship within a year from the cessation or cancellation of a state of war, if the deadline for such obligation has already expired.

Moreover, individuals who are serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces under contract and have obtained Ukrainian citizenship will be required to pass examinations on the fundamentals of the Constitution of Ukraine, and Ukrainian history, and demonstrate proficiency in the state language within two years from the cessation or cancellation of a state of war.