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Russian shelling of Kharkiv: Shopping center, Sports Palace, and delivery office hit

Russian shelling of Kharkiv: Shopping center, Sports Palace, and delivery office hit Consequences of Russian attack on Kharkiv (

On the afternoon of September 1, the Russian troops struck Kharkiv again. So far, 29 people have been reported injured, including children and doctors. The Nova Poshta (delivery company) office, the Sports Palace, a gas pipeline, and a shopping center were damaged.

Explosions in Kharkiv

Around 1 p.m. (Kyiv time), a series of explosions occurred in Kharkiv, about 10. At that moment, an alert was announced in the region.

The Air Force warned of the threat of ballistic missiles from the east and north. The head of the local military administration, Oleh Syniehubov, warned of the threat of repeated strikes.

29 injured, including doctors and children

Almost immediately it became known that there were casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure. Initially, six people were reported injured, but later the number of wounded began to grow - 13, 15, etc. Currently, 29 people are known to be injured.

“There are children among them, some of them seriously injured. Among the wounded are two representatives of the medical service, and two more adults are also in serious condition,” said Syniehubov.

Updated. The number of victims in Kharkiv has increased to 41, including 5 children.

Sports Palace, Nova Poshta office, gas pipeline under attack

It is currently known that the Russians targeted only civilian infrastructure at several locations. According to preliminary information from law enforcement, they used Iskander missiles during the attacks. A shopping center and a Nova Poshta (delivery service) office were damaged.

The shelling of Kharkiv also caused problems with the gas pipeline, there were fires. According to Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov, 30 people have been evacuated so far.

Consequences of the shelling of Kharkiv (

Sports Palace: 4 hits, people may be under rubble

The enemy also struck four times at the Sports Palace in Kharkiv.

“According to preliminary information, there were four strikes on the Sports Palace in Kharkiv, civilians were wounded there. There are also hits in the open area, in the park zone, where we are still recording the consequences,” said Syniehubov.

At the moment, an operation is underway to dismantle the rubble in the sports complex where one of the missiles hit.

“There may still be people under the rubble, so search and rescue operations continue. One person, who works there as an electrician, was trapped in the rubble. He is now safe,” added Syniehubov.

Russian shelling of Kharkiv: Shopping center, Sports Palace, and delivery office hit

The aftermath of the attacks on the Sports Palace in Kharkiv (

At least 6 hits were recorded near the sports complex, some of which hit the ground.

Zelenskyy's reaction

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has already responded to the shelling of Kharkiv.

“Russia is terrorizing Kharkiv again. Strikes on civilian infrastructure, on the city. All necessary forces have been deployed for the rescue operation,” he said.

According to the president, all the necessary powers of the world should be involved to stop this terror.

“This does not require extraordinary forces, but sufficient courage of leaders - the courage to give Ukraine everything it needs to defend itself,” Zelenskyy said.

Energy facility was hit

The Ministry of Energy reported on its Telegram channel that an energy facility in Kharkiv was also hit.

“We are currently eliminating the consequences of the shelling. Information about the victims is being clarified,” the ministry said.

Youngest victim is 3 months old

According to Terekhov's update, as of now, there is information about 44 victims of the Russian strike.

“Seven of them are children, the youngest of them is three months old,” he added.

Sources: statements by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, head of Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleh Syniehubov, Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov, and Ukraine's Ministry of Energy.