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Russian shelling of Kharkiv: One of guided bombs hit near shopping center, rescuers injured

Russian shelling of Kharkiv: One of guided bombs hit near shopping center, rescuers injured Illustrative photo: Russian bomber attacks Kharkiv (Getty Images)

Russian army struck Kharkiv today, September 17, with guided aerial bombs. One of them hit near a shopping mall, and there are reports of injuries, according to Kharkiv Regional Administration Head Oleh Syniehubov on Telegram and Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov on Telegram.

"Kharkiv shelling: one guided aerial bomb hit a forest strip near a shopping mall," Syniehubov said.

According to him, four rescuers who were dealing with the fire near the impact site were injured.

Meanwhile, Terekhov reported six people injured from the airstrike on Kharkiv.

The mayor noted that there were two confirmed impacts of aerial bombs in the Kyivskyi district of the city.

What preceded this

It is worth noting that for several months, Russian forces have been using guided aerial bombs to attack Kharkiv. These bombs cause significant damage and pose a serious threat to civilians.

Specifically, on September 15, an aerial bomb struck a high-rise building in Kharkiv, resulting in reports of dozens of injured civilians.

For more details on the types of aerial bombs used by the enemy to attack Kharkiv, see the material from RBC-Ukraine.