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Russian National Guard General informed of suspicion in Kherson region occupation

Russian National Guard General informed of suspicion in Kherson region occupation Photo: The Security Service of Ukraine has announced suspicion against a Russian National Guard general (
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Security Service of Ukraine has announced suspicion against a general of the Russian National Guard who participated in the seizure and occupation of the right-bank part of the Kherson region, according to the Security Service of Ukraine press service.

Russian Colonel General Igor Turchenyuk, commander of the South forces grouping of the Russian National Guard (Rosgvardiya), has been implicated. Investigations reveal that at the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion, his units participated in seizing the right-bank territory of the Kherson region. Turchenyuk commanded so-called filtration groups that pursued resistance movement participants during the region's occupation.

Additionally, under the orders of the Russian general, his subordinates attacked protesters opposing Russia's armed aggression. During the crackdown on peaceful meetings, occupiers abducted individuals in broad daylight, transporting them to Russian torture chambers.

Furthermore, Turchenyuk's Rosgvardiya units were on duty at the checkpoints where they stopped and confiscated the vehicles of local residents attempting to flee to Ukrainian-controlled territory. During these incidents, Russians stole documents, money, mobile phones, and other personal belongings from vehicle owners and passengers.

Ahead of Kherson's liberation, Turchenyuk's command escaped to the left-bank part of the region, continuing to commit war crimes. Former bodyguard to Vladimir Putin and current head of Rosgvardiya, Viktor Zolotov, awarded his subordinate's group with the Zhukov Order for these actions.

Брав участь в окупації Херсонської області: генералу Росгвардії повідомили про підозру

Based on gathered evidence, SSU has formally notified Igor Turchenyuk in absentia of suspicion under Articles 28.2 and 437.2 of Ukraine's Criminal Code (planning, preparation, initiation, and conduct of aggressive war by a group of individuals in conspiracy).

"Since the perpetrator is located in the temporarily occupied part of Ukraine, comprehensive measures are ongoing to locate and bring him to justice," added the SSU.

Previously, the Security Service of Ukraine announced suspicion against Russian General Ivan Popov, who led the seizure of the Kharkiv region in 2022. Earlier, it was reported about suspicion against Russian Major General Robert Baranov for missile attacks on Ukrainian territory.

Additionally, the SSU informed of suspicion in absentia against Russian General Yakov Rezantsev, who commanded the seizure of the Kherson region and gave an order to the Russian forces to enter the territory of Ukraine from Crimea.