ua en ru

Russian Mi-8 helicopter with 22 people on board missing

Russian Mi-8 helicopter with 22 people on board missing Photo: A Mi-8 helicopter has disappeared in Russia (Getty Images)

A Russian Mi-8 helicopter disappeared in Kamchatka on Saturday, August 31. More than 20 people could have been on board, according to TASS.

The helicopter belongs to the Vityaz Aero airline. In the morning, it took off from the site near the Vachkazhets Volcano in Kamchatka and almost immediately disappeared from the radar.

According to preliminary data, there may be 22 people on board - three crew members and 19 passengers.

Russian media reports that the crew did not report any problems before the flight.

Another Mi-8 took off to search for the helicopter, and a ground rescue team was preparing to be sent to the area where the helicopter disappeared.

On August 15, a Tu-22M3 bomber crashed in Russia. It happened in the Irkutsk region. The Russian Defense Ministry said that the crash was caused by a technical malfunction.

Also, in late July, a Mi-28 attack helicopter crashed in the Kaluga region of Russia. According to Russian reports, the helicopter crew was killed.