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'Russian lives matter also': Filmmaker Lars von Trier stands up for occupiers

'Russian lives matter also': Filmmaker Lars von Trier stands up for occupiers Lars von Trier stood up for the Russians (photo: Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Danish director Lars von Trier, renowned for his films "Dogville," "Antichrist," and "Breaking the Waves," has written on his Instagram that "Russian lives matter also."

What else did Lars von Trier write?

"By the way: to Mr. Zelenskyy and Mr. Putin, and not least to (Denmark's Prime Minister) Ms. Frederiksen (who, as of yesterday, seemed head over heels in love, posing inside one of the most modern killing machines, smiling from ear to ear): 'Russian lives matter also!' Best wishes, Lars,'" he wrote.

"Життя росіян також важливе". Режисер Ларс фон Трієр заступився за окупантів

With this post, the director condemned the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

Lars von Trier is a highly controversial director in the eyes of the general public.

He has received over a hundred awards and nominations at film festivals worldwide, including the Palme d'Or ("Dancer in the Dark") and the Grand Prix ("Breaking the Waves"). At the premiere of his film "The House That Jack Built," viewers left the theater unable to endure the brutality depicted on the screen.

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksii Danilov, even dedicated a post to Lars von Trier.

"War is not a movie where actors play life and death. Behind every living russian terrorist, there is a dead Ukrainian. The choice between the executioner and the victim becomes a tragedy when the artist chooses the side of the executioner. Ukraine doesn’t live in abstraction, but in a cruel reality in which russians are murderers," Danilov wrote.

"A simple piece of advice for a famous director: imagine that it is a russian missile that is flying into his city every day, that his father or mother was killed, his grandson was taken to russia, and that a russian looter raped his wife before burning down his house. In this case, the abstraction of hypocritical ‘humanism’ takes on completely different features – real, not fictional life," he concluded.

"Життя росіян також важливе". Режисер Ларс фон Трієр заступився за окупантів

Lars von Trier (screenshot / "The History of Cinema: An Odyssey")