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Russian intelligence-gathering sonar found on Lithuanian coast

Russian intelligence-gathering sonar found on Lithuanian coast Photo: Russian intelligence-gathering sonar was found on the coast of Lithuania (

In Lithuania, a local resident found a Russian sonar on the coast. Its purpose is to collect intelligence information, according to the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Lithuania.

According to the agency, a resident found a Russian sonar on the Curonian Spit.

"Navy experts identified the device as a Russian-type hydroacoustic sonar, which is used for intelligence gathering, detection and positioning of submarines," the Ministry of Defense clarified.

Sonar uses sensors to detect the movement and passage of large underwater objects (submarines) near it.

At the time of discovery, the sonar no longer worked, it was removed from the site and is now in storage at the Navy.

The agency reminded that similar Russian hydroacoustic sonars were already detected in 2021 in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Lithuania and the Atlantic Ocean off the southern coast of Great Britain and Ireland.

Earlier, the National Security Commission of Lithuania proposed to close two more checkpoints on the Belarusian border.

We also wrote that the Lithuanian government has banned servicemen and statutory employees from visiting Russia, Belarus, and China outside of duty.